Friday, February 5, 2010

Future influences of nanotechnology on our day to day life

Nanotechnology is about to change our life. We will soon have a new material, a nanotech product known as Spray on Liquid Glass. It is non toxic and can be sprayed on to any surface. The versatile spray, which forms an easy-clean coating one millionth of a millimeter thick-500 times thinner than a human hair – can be applied to virtually any surface to protect it against water, dirt, bacteria, heat and UV radiations.

Liquid glass is nothing but most common substance on the earth Silicon dioxide to which water or ethanol molecules have been added. The resultant material using techniques to produce nanopartical materials is known as Liquid Glass. The patent for this technology is held by Nanopool. The ultra thin layer forms a barrier invisible to human eye. It is resistant to water, dirt, microrgnisms, heat and UV radiations. Being ultra thin it is breathable. These properties make it a versatile material.

The dream of having self cleaning or perpetually clean clothes is a near reality. Hydrophobic (water repelling) nature of liquid glass makes it a suitable candidate for treating clothes. The treated clothes will be perpetually clean or simply require plain hot water to clean. More over the clothes will be instantly dry. But this will be a cause for worry to the companies manufacturing cleansing products. At the same time it will prevent environmental degradation.

In context to our country it may prove to be a blessing in disguise. A country where dirt and grime go hand in glove we may witness clean environment- be it public toilets, public transport including Indian Railways,offices,restuarents,hotels and what not. The humble house wife has a reason to smile as she will have less laundry, more cleanly and bacteria free utensils and crockery, clean floors and so on. The vehicles will get magic polish and magic wax. The heat resisting property of liquid glass may keep homes, cars, and offices to remain more cool thus reducing green house gasses emission. Tests have proved that Liquid glass can increase yield of grapes and other vegetables It may prove to be next generation insecticide and pesticide. Tests have shown that wood treated with liquid glass becomes resistant to termites. Liquid Glass could change our world more than Teflon and Gore-Tex Did. The Company says it’s completely safe for the environment, so maybe we can just go ahead and coat the whole world with it. Let’s just hope they are right about that harmlessness, lest we paint everything with some kind of goo. A lot of experimentation is needed before it becomes a reality

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