Saturday, April 3, 2010

A happy GUT leads to a Happy Body

Gut or the alimentary canal technically speaking is a long tube of variable diameter open at both the ends. It consists of mouth, mouth cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus. Ideally it works relentlessly and silently in a perfectly healthy body and mind. Rumblings in the gut indicate all is not well. Liver, pancreas and a large no of microscopic glands are also associated with the alimentary canal.

The food we eat is chewed in the mouth, is mixed with saliva and swallowed. It passes into the stomach where it is mixed with secretions of the stomach including Hydrochloric acid. The acid kills all harmful microorganisms and dissociates complex food particles in to simple particles.

The acidic food passes into small intestine where acidity is neutralized and food becomes alkaline. Food is mixed with secretions from pancreas and liver for further digestion. Liver secrets bile which has no enzymes. Bile is extremely important for the digestion of fats, without bile fats cannot be digested. Bile also prevents putrefaction of food.

The entire process of digestion is very complex. During digestion indiffusible food is converted into diffusible food. The digested food is absorbed by the body and is used for repairs and maintenance besides providing energy. Excess of the food is stored by the liver, muscles and by the fatty tissues of the body for future use. Both digestion and absorption of food is completed in the small intestine. Digestion and absorption of food are highly co-ordinated and regulated by nerve stimuli and hormones.

To keep the gut and thus body healthy, it is necessary that we eat right kind of food at right time. We should eat neither too much nor too little. As per Indian customs the largest meal should be lunch, breakfast and dinner should be frugal. In between meals fruits and snacks can be taken in moderate quantities, Beverages like coffee and tea should be limited. Alcoholic beverages should be avoided or consumed in moderate amounts only.
Proper evacuation of gut is most important and general health depends mostly on this. In order to keep the gut functioning properly the food we eat should be rich in fibers - Whole wheat flour, green vegetables, fruits and other products rich in fibers. The fibers have no nutritional value yet they are the most important constituent of food. The fibers absorb water and thus help in the movement of food, prevent food from sticking to the wall of the intestine, prevent formation of gases, make feaces odourless by absorbing gases and in proper evacuation of undigested food.

Refined flours, bakery products and fast food should be avoided. Fruits should be eaten along with their skin where ever possible.Excessof coffee and tea should be avoided as excess causes acidity and gas. Mental peace and emotional well being are equally important.

To keep your gut and consequently yourself happy healthy and cheerful it is necessary to exercise regularly,meditate, eat light and healthy.

So keep your gut healthy and lead practically disease free cheerful life.

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